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Are You Using the Correct I-9 Document?

The biggest change in this most recent I-9 document revision by USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) is in the acceptable documents allowed.

Are You Using the Correct I-9 Document?

ARTICLE BY: Alliance 2020

As of September 17, 2017, employers must use the newly revised I-9 form, which was published on July 17, 2017. The updated form has a revision date of 7/17/17 N and is required for compliance. While the changes to the form are mostly minimal, it is crucial for employers to transition to this version to meet federal requirements.

Key Changes in the New I-9 Form:

  • Acceptable Documents: The most significant update involves modifications to the list of acceptable documents for verifying employment eligibility.
  • Wording Updates: Minor changes were made to the form’s instructions to improve clarity.
  • Renumbering of List C Documents: The documents listed under List C have been renumbered for better organization.

Important Reminders for Employers:

  • Section 1 Completion Deadline: Employees must complete Section 1 of the I-9 form no later than their first day of employment.
  • Retention Rules: Employers must continue to follow existing storage and retention guidelines for previously completed I-9 forms.

For a copy of the new I-9 form and additional details, visit the USCIS website:

Alliance 2020 offers electronic I-9 services to help employers stay compliant and simplify the process. For more information, contact Gavin Bray at

Alliance 2020, Inc.
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304 Main Ave S, Ste 101
Renton WA 98057

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Renton WA 98057


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