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4 Ways To Stay Focused When Working From Home

Working from home has many advantages, but in a place where distractions are more frequent, it can be difficult to separate work from play. Here…
Focused young African American female entrepreneur working from her home

4 Ways To Stay Focused When Working From Home

ARTICLE BY: Alliance 2020

Working from home has many advantages, but in a place where distractions are more frequent, it can be difficult to separate work from play. Here are our top suggestions on staying focused while working from home.

1. Dedicate work spaces and boundaries

Having a specific area set aside in your home for work is crucial. It’s easy to lounge around with a laptop. However, setting up on your couch or in your favorite recliner isn’t going to keep you focused, as these areas are associated with down-time. Instead, create a space where you can sit upright at a desk or table. If possible, find a spot that is also away from TV and other distractions.

2. Create a schedule that works for you

Plan out your day as if you were at the office. Whether it be filling in your calendar or making a to-do list, having a structure that works for you is key in staying focused and on-task. Try to work on projects that require a lot of focus during a time when you know you will be able to concentrate. And remember to take your breaks!

3. Dress for success

Even though you’re not leaving your home, it’s important to maintain some of the morning routines that put you in a work mindset. Getting up on time, getting dressed, and preparing for your day propels a more productive start to your morning. This doesn’t necessarily mean dressing up but getting out of your pajamas is a good start (even if it’s into a fresh pair of pajamas)!

4. Stay off of social media

We all know how it goes. A quick peek at your account and the next thing you know, you’ve been scrolling for half an hour. Set aside time to keep up with social media outside of your work hours. If you still find yourself tempted, consider downloading an app that will limit your time on social media platforms. We’re all learning as we go while we adapt to the lifestyle and workplace changes brought on by COVID-19. We recommend following these tips as a start to a more successful and productive day. Have you found other successful ways to focus while working from home? We’d love to hear them! Leave a comment below or tag us on social media. What we can continue to do is offer one another support and advice to guarantee success for everyone.

Alliance 2020, Inc.
Corporate Headquarters
304 Main Ave S, Ste 101
Renton WA 98057

Mailing: PO Box 4248
Renton WA 98057


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