International Background Checks in 190+ Countries
Why Conduct International Background Checks?
If your applicant lived abroad, or your company has international extensions, the need for conducting global background screening is essential. Our trained researchers will provide you with the highest quality background reports available – allowing you to make accurate and informed decisions for your business.
Running an international background check requires an understanding of foreign laws and regulations. Since there isn’t a defined process for international background checks, it is best to hire an experienced background screening company to assist.
What’s Included in Our Service?
International background checks consist of checking records in each country the applicant has lived. Reports are generally customized to meet the employer’s requirements. With that said, the following searches can be included:
- Criminal searches
- Education verifications
- Employment verifications
- Professional licenses
- Driving records
- Financial & credit history
- Country-specific debarment & watchlists
How Long Does It Take to Complete an International Background Check?
The average international background check takes between two and ten days if the countries are cooperative.
However, when dealing with countries with extensive protective laws or a culture of secrecy, international background checks can take several weeks or months.
We’ll provide an approximate turnaround time for each country.
Why Choose Alliance 2020 for Your Background Checks?
Alliance 2020 has provided professional background checks for over 35 years.
We have highly trained researchers who will ensure the accuracy and completeness of the reports. You will also be notified throughout the process and kept informed if any delays should occur.
We’re confident we can help with all of your international screening needs. Nobody knows international background checks better than Alliance 2020!
Please note: We are only able to provide international background check services to businesses with a permissible purpose.
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