Schedule a Fingerprinting Appointment
Alliance 2020 offers both ink and electronic fingerprinting services. Before scheduling an appointment, please make sure you know which of these two types you need and if you need to be fingerprinted through IdentoGO or not. If you’re not sure, contact the requestor to verify the type of prints that will be accepted.
Appointments are required for electronic fingerprinting through IdentoGO. Alliance 2020 is partnered with IdentoGO to provide this service and an appointment must be scheduled with them prior to visiting an Alliance 2020 location.
Ink fingerprinting does not require an appointment and walk-ins are accepted. However, we provide the option to schedule an appointment to help facilitate the check-in process.
Livescan fingerprinting for FBI, ATF, and FDLE background checks is offered at our Renton, Seattle, Tacoma and Everett locations. Additionally, we can scan your prints onto an FD-258 card.
Ink Fingerprinting
Alliance 2020 offers convenient ink fingerprinting services. We provide fingerprints on FD-258 cards as well any other document you require!
FBI Fingerprinting
Alliance 2020 offers fingerprinting for FBI background checks. We electronically transmit fingerprint records directly to the FBI, with results typically available within 24-48 hours.
ATF Fingerprinting
Alliance 2020 provides fingerprinting for ATF background checks. After we capture your prints, you will receive an email with an EFT file to submit with your application to the ATF.
Livescan FD-258 Fingerprinting
We offer livescan fingerprinting where we’ll scan your prints digitally and print them on an FD-258 card. This is a more streamlined alternative to ink prints.
FDLE Fingerprinting
We provide fingerprinting for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). Your prints will be submitted directly to the FDLE, with results typically returned within 3-5 business days.
IdentoGO Fingerprinting
Alliance 2020 is the most convenient location for those requiring IdentoGO biometric fingerprinting for agencies who are authorized for livescan fingerprinting.