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Changes to the Green Card and Employee Authorization Document

Redesigned Green Cards and Employee Authorization Documents are being issued. The new card was designed with security features making them fraud-resistant.

Changes to the Green Card and Employee Authorization Document

ARTICLE BY: Alliance 2020

Starting on May 1st, redesigned Green Cards and Employee Authorization Documents are being issued.

The new cards were designed with security features making them fraud-resistant, highly secure and more tamper resistant.  The layout of the cards include a person’s picture on both sides of the card. Green Cards will be mostly green, displaying the Statue of Liberty while the Employee Authorization Documents are mostly red, displaying a bald eagle.  There is no signature displayed on either card.

Existing Green Cards and Employee Authorization Documents remain valid and at this time, will not be replaced.  Therefore, the current cards are acceptable for I-9 verification as well as is the newly issued cards.

Remember, use the most current I-9 form that can be found at

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304 Main Ave S, Ste 101
Renton WA 98057

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Renton WA 98057


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